Kees Fitness
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Week of 7/28/08. Workouts, New Balance shoe test program; site for helpful demo videos of key kettlebell exercises for your core and strength training; update on me.

> It will be two weeks since the hip job on Monday and I must be patient. Doing my exercises to develop range of motion - now I have more than before the surgery except for bending forward in sitting position (flexion), which I must avoid. Can't cross my legs either or hip can pop out, though Dr. Stuart says he put it in there solidly. I've backed off on the meds; am using crutches to avoid much weight bearing until the bone matrix forms in the key areas which takes six weeks. This week I plan to get on the stationary bike soon for that offers a non-weight bearing exercise routine along with water walking.
Did some 10 minutes of cycling and other mild exercises; later put the feet up for rest to recover. Sure helps to be off most of the meds and have more energy. Actually went to internet to find a good clip on exercises to do for post-hip replacement: very informative site. This is a real help because the insurance doesn't cover the PT work, so now I have it on a nice slide show.

> NEW BALANCE is looking for wear testers. Must be able to run at least 20 miles a week in our shoes for a 4-8 week period. We are launching a new last which should make our shoes fit and feel very similar to Asics and Brooks shoes. Wear testers will be testing advanced concept shoes as well as first prototypes (meaning the shoes will not be out for 6 months to the general public). We are looking for people that will take this very seriously and take the time to give us detailed feedback online (takes around 15-30min) as well as sending the shoes back at the specified date. If shoes are not sent back in a timely manner, they will be immediately dropped from the program. Interested team members should send the following information to Jennifer Wong

type of shoe they prefer (lightweight, stability, neutral, motion
shoe size and width
contact info (address, both mailing and email and phone number)
typical weekly mileage

Contact: Jenny Wong, C.Ped
Western Regional Tech Rep Coordinator
Northern CA and Northern NV

7/29/08. TUESDAY. 6:30am. TEMPO at YMCA. A mix of dirt and paved terrain in McGinnis Park levee/pond area.

7/29/08. TUESDAY. 9am. HILL REPEATS. Tenn Valley group.
Meet at Church parking lot; do usual out/back warmup towards Tenn Valley; come back to base of short paved hill.
do 6 x short hill (about 30")
do 4 x med hill towards lift with steep incline (45"); do recovery jog to long steep hill across the valley up County road..:
1 x up to first road to right (about 1:30); recovery back down to top of median and do:
1 x up to first road to right again; recover at top there; then do
1 x 2:30 (back down to Stop sign);
1 x 2' (back down to stop sign)
1 x 1:30 (back to bottom) and do shorter reps:
3 X to top of median that divides the 2-lane section a first turn (about 20")
Recovery run back to parking lot; those who need to add mileage go to Tenn parking lot and back.

7/31/08. THURSDAY. 7am & 9am TRACK at COM.

4 x 100(100)
2 x 150 (50)
2 x 200 (200)
2 x800 ( on 4:30, 5', or 5:30)
12 burpees after each 800,with a leap into the air and overhead clap of hands on each rep, then right into
2 x 800 with ,
15 "mountain climbers"after each 800; then
2 x 200 (200)
12 "prisoner squats" after each 200, then right into next
2 x 200 (200) with
10 jumping jacks after each 200,

8/2/08. SATURDAY. 8am Ed's TRACK GROUP at Novato HS.
(same as TH group).

8/3/08. SUNDAY. SAN FRANCISCO HALF MARATHON for those who are doing this as their mid-summer long tempo run. This year I won't be able to bike alongside you; next time.

CROSS FIT TRAINING: Seems to be the growing "new" buzzword exercise program that's spread across the country - and world. Last week SF CrossFit opened up on Howard & Second in San Francisco; you'll have to see what it is all about if you are in the city...CrossFit addresses strength, endurance, power-endurance, agility, quickness, all-out training. Makes use of simple apparatus, Olympic bars, kettlebells, boxes, chin-up bars, bodyweight exercises and more - all done by time with several exercises in circuit format.
We use some of the key exercises for improving your core, strength, and balancing your musculature to avoid injuries and so you can take better quality workouts.Kettlebells (KB) help with full range of movement with resistance that's easy to use. KB can build the hamstrings, quads, hamstrings and shoulder girdle. Kettlebells are but one tool. To see some good demos on video go to:,
"CrossFit Video Menu"
scroll down to "Kettlebells" then click on some demos, I think by Jeff Matrone:
"Basic Kettlebell Swing"
"Kettlebell Snatch"
"Turkish Get-up" (for core)
to see how they can be fun to use look at: "kettlebell juggling"
by exploring the site you can look at some of the crossfit routines: (WOD for "workout of the day") an interesting site to explore for they illustrate many exercises with a video clip - even have Running Technique clips....
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Week of 7/21/08. Upcoming workouts, plan for SF Half, my status, little additions to hill repeats and track to develop better power-endurance, keep that base going during summer for all the Fall XC , road races: a foundation now means good success later.

Kees' status7/20: better today (Sunday as I'm writing this) after staying down on Saturday. Might have stood too long on Friday; also stumbled once...but today looks good: just keep my meds going! They can mask a lot of the soft tissue affected...

Kees status update 7/24/08:
Did early am blood test, then saw Dr. Stuart for the week follow-up and discussed the XRay pix. Emphasis is on minimal weight bearing because the bone matrix has to form (6 weeks) around the backside of acetabelum (the concave area of the hip where the ball goes into) and around the shaft of the prosthesis. The ball has been made a bit large so that I don't dislocate easily.
The shaft of the prosthesis that goes in the femur area is in there quite tightly-like a tapering shaft so it wedges in tighter.
So I'll be focusing on physical therapy, then stationary bike, swim over even walking: minimize the weight bearing until bone matrix is complete.
I'll be coming out to track on crutches for my first outings to yell at you guys!

7/22/08. TUESDAY. 6:30am . TEMPO. CHINA CAMP. 2M warmup/ 3-8M tempo.
Time for a good solid tempo run as we get ready for the month of August training. (I won't be there yet). GEt in at least the Half Mar Pace effort or better.

7/22/08. TUESDAY. 9am. TEMPO (3.5-4M) on MV Bike Path. Meet at Church parking lot by entrance to Tenn Valley as usual. Warmup up to north end of MV bike path; we'll do 3.5M-4M tempo at 10M race pace. Those running SF Half for their midsummer tempo race, add recovery run on road to Tenn Valley parking lot. ...we're making the Tu,Th, weekend efforts count with rest or mileage easy in between...

7/24/08. THURSDAY. 7am & 9am. TRACK at COM. with added features. (yes, even 7am group give the exercises a go);...same workout for SAT track group.
6 X 100(100)
2 x 150 (50)
2 x 200(200)

2 X 600 (200) (do the 600's @ 5K goal pace, pickup the last 100meter straightaway to finish)
12 "burpees" after the recovery 200 jog; then right into
2 x 600 (200)
12 "Prisoner Squats", then right into:
1 x with negative splits or hold even on each 400...

I'll be stopping by the track after my 8:40am doctor appt. and see the 9am group

7/25/08. FRIDAY. 5:34am. Smith Ranch Deli. Distance TBA.

7/26/08. SATURDAY. 8am . ED's TRACK gp at NOVATO HS. (same workout as TH) Yes, that includes those couple of exercises!

7/26/08. SATURDAY. 6:30am warmup;7am HILL REPEATS start at base of hill.
An up/down ladder workout plus some wonderful exercises tochallenge power-endurance:
1 X Small hill (SH) about 15"
1 x Med hill (MH) about 35"
(do 10 "Burpees" @ gate, then right into next repeat)
1 x Half Hill (HH) about 1:10
1 x LongHill (LH) about 1:15-1:30
(1 x 10 "Burpees")
1 x LH
1 x MH
(1 x 10 "Prisoner Squats")
2 x SH
3 x MH

Easy run recovery as you head back; when you get around corner of sewage plant entrance: do pickup to top of rise, then easy run back to car..

7/26/08. SATURDAY. 6:30am . HILL REPEATS. Dollar Tree (455 Entrada)
8 X 10 Palmer Hill repeats (this is a a solid hill for repeats!)

7/27/08. SUNDAY. last long run which is a taper of 10-12 miles for the SF Half on 8/3/08.

7/27/08. SUNDAY. 6:30am. ROCKY RIDGE RUN. ..Meet at oss Common.

When you do the taper week, keep good pace going; don't jog 10' miles: just reduce overall mileage for that week. Most folks are pretty well training through the mileage week; sometimes good to see how the Half feels with an almost normal mileage week.

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Week of 7/14/08 ( Bastille Day)..Workouts, races. HIP surgery update... Note that I will be out for a while starting on Monday, but I can post workouts for the Hill Repeats, Track and Tempo.
> for that Vacation Training schedule I posted with its various workouts. They are not meant to be done in a row, but you may include two samples per week..

> Update on Hip job- Here are the cliff notes:
Went in on Monday at 6am, took the new array of pills before surgery (apparently there has been a tremendous improvement in recovery with surgery with the meds they've developed during the last 3 years); by 7:30am surgery started, good thing I could not hear the "carpentry job" this procedure entails!. Took two hours...When I came to before noon in my room I felt okay, but was sickish from the anasthesia until 5pm on Monday. Then it was so much better!
I had to sit up about 1pm; did standing about 3pm (got a little sick, but Sandy was there with the bucket!); did a walk a bit later...Enough for that day.
Meantime, I learned that nurse Margaret, who was on one of the shifts, is running SF Half. We helped map out her last two weeks and she is joining in on the 9am TH group where she will learn her track program and meet a group of new training partners! The more the merrier, I say - and everyone benefits.
Tuesday was more getting up three times during the day and practicing with walker, then crutches; how to get up and down out of sitting position (I can't flex forward, or cross my legs or else the hip pops out)...Thank you to all who were able to stop by and visit!
Came home Wed morning and was able to slide on our newly elevated couch. Nurse Sandy is doing an adequate job of attending to my needs so recovery should progress rapidly...

> Tour de France: Well, my observation on RICO RICCARDO'S peformance is that EPO - Works! You saw his performance in the mountains: that extra edge was significant.

12/14/08. Tuesday. 6:30am. TEMPO. From YMCA site.

12/14/08. Tuesday. 9am gp HILL REPEATS. Church parking lot, Tenn Valley. Do warmup run; come back to our usual short hill and do 6 X 30" repeats; followed by jog to cemetery;
do 4 X cemetery hill clockwise and counterclockwise.
Kathleen, Michelle and others doing SF half or an upcoming marathon do an extra mile or so to build for the long distance races: get those extra easy to steady miles in.

12/16/08. Thursday. 7am & 9am. TRACK at COM.
4 x 100(100)
2 x 150 (50)
2 x 200(200)

Now for A & B groups:
1 x 1200 (400)
1 x 1000 (200)
1 x 800 (200)
1 x 600 (200)

C Group: do this descending ladder twice:

800 (200)
600 (200)
400 (200)
200 (200)

7/19/08. SATURDAY. 6:30am warmup from parking lot; meet at meet at base of hill 7am at backside:
2 sets of:
1 x LHill, moderate pace to top about 1:30
2 x half hill (to just around corner) about 1'
3 x Med hill (35" white painted "12" on rights
4 X SHill (15") short hill to where pavement changes at blue sign)

that it's for now: just the key workouts.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
200)Week of 7/7/08. Workouts (yes, I did revise the TH/Sat workout), results, keep posted on changes for some of the weekly workouts. Jason's weekend training runs...
Vacation training week plan at end of text; time the Dan Aldredge 14 day cycle workout for getting back into shape.

7/8/08. TUESDAY. 6:30am . TEMPO at China Camp site.

7/8/08. TUESDAY, 9am. TEMPO - a group decision.

7/10/08. THURSDAY. 7am & 9am. TRACK at COM, but it is very likely I cannot make either session as I have doctor's pre-op to do at 8am and hospital meeting at 8:30am.
Workout: It will be warm so watch the pace- and bring extra water bottles and place beside the track.
4x100 (100), 1 x 150(50), 2 x 200 (200),
C gp; 8 x 400 (C gp on 3') to keep it aerobic.
B gp: 10-12 x 400 ( on 2:30)
A gp: 13-14 X 400 ( on 2' if you run under 6' pace; otherwise on 2:30)
... we will gradually work it up to 16 x 400 which equals 4M: to be ready for next year's Fourth of July race....

7/11/08. 5:34am . Smith Ranch Deli...Easy 10M run with Jason.

7/12/08. Saturday. HILL REPEATS. 6:30am group does warmup; 7am we start at base of hill.
Meet at McGinnis Park and do warmup in ponds area. Some folks park in Golf Club parking lot, others around east side in small lot where ponds start. We will mix up a variety of distances, add some exercises to the repeats.

7/12/08. Saturday. PALMER HILL REPEATS with Jason.
Meet at The Dollar Tree in Novato (455 Entrada). this course provides a solid course for the hill repeats..

"4 On the Fourth" on 7/4/08.
Our first annual event went quite well with cool weather and a varied course. The first year the race setup was kept simple with no age group awards, but to concentrate on the race portion of it all. We expect to build the Mile with more Kids Mile events and hope to run it down and back on Grant so the spectators can cheer the kids on.

Sean Seeley, 36 took the race in 22:27;
2. Georgie Dombroski, 39 in 22:32
3. Alec Govi, 16 in 23:22
1. Valerie Young, 42 in 24:35
2. Karen Steele, 50 in 27:14
3. Natalie Fisher, 17 in 27:24

Sunny asked me to send the workout samples I gave to Alyce while she is on vacation; it can apply to most anyone going out of town…
The idea was to approach each day with a plan to include specific workout ingredients to develop different aspects of your running so that you go through the summer building a strong foundation…otherwise, it’s too easy to go out and dawdle along during the daily run; variety that challenges your cardiovascular system is far more productive than “just running along” on the road or trail-- and more entertaining.
However, steady mileage does have it’s place, but for fitness and power output most runners can make their relatively low mileage weeks more productive – and become fit, not just “joggers”. It doesn’t mean going out too hard on each day, but surging with controlled effort will force the body to make adaptive changes; otherwise you simply stay at the same pace or fitness level. Too many folks do their “cardio” 30-45’ workout, but I put it to you, that most of them aren’t particularly fit if they had to do some quality with their low load program.

Ø Adding surges, hill repeats, intervals, alternating pace on the run, tempo, over-distance , some drills will all help to create a stronger runner.
Ø During the summer you will want to build up your basic ENDURANCE to 1:30 to 2:00 hour run. You should be able to work up to a steady half marathon to 15M distance in 2 hours with only water intake: you will have plenty of glycogen in your legs to get you through that distance with practice.. That will give you some basic endurance for racing the 5K, 10K, 10M and a springboard for the marathon training. Build it by time.

Ø When you’re on vacation you usually have the time to get up early and get in your run , first thing; then family time/activities during the later morning and day, followed by a nap in afternoon. I’ve always found that I can get in my best mileage while vacationing because I don’t have to rush off to work or other obligations. I love my solid workouts, eating, reading while recovering and swimming.

Ø Still need your Rest days because you may get in too much over 2-3 days in a row and find yourself washed out on the 4th day; so, take a day off or cross train. If you go daily, maybe do one day longer, say you’re at 8M; then next day 3-4M so you can maintain it..I'd say over the course of the summer, for most of you, try and work up to and maintain 35-40 miles per week.
See the sample days below:

H here are some thoughts for your 5-10M course:
Ø Go out each day with different game plan in mind, though maybe one day “just to run steady”. Look forward to embracing each new daily workout’s emphasis.

TEMPO emphasis day: during your 5M-8m run or so you can change the length of each tempo effort weekly. Do 15’-20’ warmup run then, For example, that you do a 4 minute surge at 10K race pace for 3-4 times during your workout. Another time 5-7 minute pickups; the next week 3 minute pickups. You had a sample session on Tuesday, 7/8/08 9am group we did a solid warmup to beginning of MV bike path, then did a mile strong pickup, followed by .5M recovery jog; then repeated 1.5-2.5M as a pickup; recover .5M and so forth. Another day we’ll do alternating half miles; each time can be a bit different..The classic TEMPO wold be warmup for 1.5-2M then do 3M tempo at 10-13M race pace.
Alyce, you did the 4M Tempo MV bike path course in about 31 minutes or better, over the course of 3 months you’ll find that this should come down to under 30 minutes with controlled effort. That will come just by steady workouts and gradually working the tempo course: all of a sudden, one day you will cruise through that sub 30M effort.

Ø HILLY course or HILL repeat day: after your warmup take it up your hill, crest the top strongly, then easy down the other side; turnaround and take it back up, down easy the other side and repeat for reps. …If the hill is long enough you can mix up the 45” , 1’, to 1:30 repeats in varied fashion. Do include the 20’ blasts for strength, okay?

Ø More INTERVAL type day: on this run you include8-10 times the 15”-45” pickups (100 meters – 200’s)emphasizing quick turnover; broken up by cruising for a while. You don’t get too comfortable, but you will notice that interspersed pickups are a challenge, and will make you fit.

Ø More DISTANCE day: here you go for that 10-13 miler so you develop endurance: all at conversational pace, but throw in some surges to break it up.

Ø LONG CRUISING interval day: after warmup that you do 12’ tempo, followed by 5’ easy run;then a 10’ pickup, 5’ easy; 8’ tempo, cruise easy to recover.

Note, that your first goal is to get in base mileage and may have to limit the amount of quality you include in a week. May have to run one or two quality runs per week broken up with "getting in the miles", but steady days so you can keep building the mileage.

That should get you going.

more to come...
Coach Kees Tuinzing shares fitness tips, schedules for training runs and other helpful information for runners, triathletes and anyone else wanting to have fun while getting some exercise.

Tamalpa Runners
The Schedule
Pacific Association USATF

October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / November 2006 / December 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / April 2007 / May 2007 / June 2007 / July 2007 / August 2007 / September 2007 / October 2007 / November 2007 / December 2007 / January 2008 / February 2008 / March 2008 / April 2008 / May 2008 / June 2008 / July 2008 / August 2008 / September 2008 / October 2008 / November 2008 / December 2008 / January 2009 / February 2009 / March 2009 / April 2009 / May 2009 / August 2009 /

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