Kees Fitness
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Week of 7/28/08. Workouts, New Balance shoe test program; site for helpful demo videos of key kettlebell exercises for your core and strength training; update on me.

> It will be two weeks since the hip job on Monday and I must be patient. Doing my exercises to develop range of motion - now I have more than before the surgery except for bending forward in sitting position (flexion), which I must avoid. Can't cross my legs either or hip can pop out, though Dr. Stuart says he put it in there solidly. I've backed off on the meds; am using crutches to avoid much weight bearing until the bone matrix forms in the key areas which takes six weeks. This week I plan to get on the stationary bike soon for that offers a non-weight bearing exercise routine along with water walking.
Did some 10 minutes of cycling and other mild exercises; later put the feet up for rest to recover. Sure helps to be off most of the meds and have more energy. Actually went to internet to find a good clip on exercises to do for post-hip replacement: very informative site. This is a real help because the insurance doesn't cover the PT work, so now I have it on a nice slide show.

> NEW BALANCE is looking for wear testers. Must be able to run at least 20 miles a week in our shoes for a 4-8 week period. We are launching a new last which should make our shoes fit and feel very similar to Asics and Brooks shoes. Wear testers will be testing advanced concept shoes as well as first prototypes (meaning the shoes will not be out for 6 months to the general public). We are looking for people that will take this very seriously and take the time to give us detailed feedback online (takes around 15-30min) as well as sending the shoes back at the specified date. If shoes are not sent back in a timely manner, they will be immediately dropped from the program. Interested team members should send the following information to Jennifer Wong

type of shoe they prefer (lightweight, stability, neutral, motion
shoe size and width
contact info (address, both mailing and email and phone number)
typical weekly mileage

Contact: Jenny Wong, C.Ped
Western Regional Tech Rep Coordinator
Northern CA and Northern NV

7/29/08. TUESDAY. 6:30am. TEMPO at YMCA. A mix of dirt and paved terrain in McGinnis Park levee/pond area.

7/29/08. TUESDAY. 9am. HILL REPEATS. Tenn Valley group.
Meet at Church parking lot; do usual out/back warmup towards Tenn Valley; come back to base of short paved hill.
do 6 x short hill (about 30")
do 4 x med hill towards lift with steep incline (45"); do recovery jog to long steep hill across the valley up County road..:
1 x up to first road to right (about 1:30); recovery back down to top of median and do:
1 x up to first road to right again; recover at top there; then do
1 x 2:30 (back down to Stop sign);
1 x 2' (back down to stop sign)
1 x 1:30 (back to bottom) and do shorter reps:
3 X to top of median that divides the 2-lane section a first turn (about 20")
Recovery run back to parking lot; those who need to add mileage go to Tenn parking lot and back.

7/31/08. THURSDAY. 7am & 9am TRACK at COM.

4 x 100(100)
2 x 150 (50)
2 x 200 (200)
2 x800 ( on 4:30, 5', or 5:30)
12 burpees after each 800,with a leap into the air and overhead clap of hands on each rep, then right into
2 x 800 with ,
15 "mountain climbers"after each 800; then
2 x 200 (200)
12 "prisoner squats" after each 200, then right into next
2 x 200 (200) with
10 jumping jacks after each 200,

8/2/08. SATURDAY. 8am Ed's TRACK GROUP at Novato HS.
(same as TH group).

8/3/08. SUNDAY. SAN FRANCISCO HALF MARATHON for those who are doing this as their mid-summer long tempo run. This year I won't be able to bike alongside you; next time.

CROSS FIT TRAINING: Seems to be the growing "new" buzzword exercise program that's spread across the country - and world. Last week SF CrossFit opened up on Howard & Second in San Francisco; you'll have to see what it is all about if you are in the city...CrossFit addresses strength, endurance, power-endurance, agility, quickness, all-out training. Makes use of simple apparatus, Olympic bars, kettlebells, boxes, chin-up bars, bodyweight exercises and more - all done by time with several exercises in circuit format.
We use some of the key exercises for improving your core, strength, and balancing your musculature to avoid injuries and so you can take better quality workouts.Kettlebells (KB) help with full range of movement with resistance that's easy to use. KB can build the hamstrings, quads, hamstrings and shoulder girdle. Kettlebells are but one tool. To see some good demos on video go to:,
"CrossFit Video Menu"
scroll down to "Kettlebells" then click on some demos, I think by Jeff Matrone:
"Basic Kettlebell Swing"
"Kettlebell Snatch"
"Turkish Get-up" (for core)
to see how they can be fun to use look at: "kettlebell juggling"
by exploring the site you can look at some of the crossfit routines: (WOD for "workout of the day") an interesting site to explore for they illustrate many exercises with a video clip - even have Running Technique clips....

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