Tuesday, 1-10-06
CIRCUIT WEIGHT TRAINING class: Jan.20th thru May.(partial info; more to come)
April Powers and I are combining our efforts and having folks signup with the COM fitness class (about $21/semester).
-It will be a Circuit Weight Training (CWT) and exercise class geared to runners and triathletes with the goal of rounding out their fitness development and reduce chances for injuries in their sport.
- Held on Fridays 9-11 AM in the weight room. I will adapt a new circuit to the equipment available in the room.
- After the CWT session April will add a run and stretching.
Only thing is I haven't found the class code details in the COM catalog-hope to obtain that soon and post it.
I want all those who would like to join to register online before the 20th: it saves a lot of hassle with the registration process.
more to come.