Kees Fitness
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Th 2-906 UPDATE on my Dad
Thank you, folks, for the kind words. I received a call that My Dad did was having a second seizure as I was going along with the lead bikers at the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon...
Briefly, he went to Emergency, was stabilized, sent home, I took him to his doctor Monday morning and he was very tired & not making sense. I thought this was looking very poorly for him.
Dont' know what kicked off the episodes. Turns out also that he was dehydrated (can't drink fluids when you're in emergency); got him some Gatorade and water and waited.
Got someone to watch him for 10 hours per day (an outfit called Visiting Angels)-they were terrific. My brother and sister came from out of town, but by today he seems back with the program talking sense and taking walks. Don't know how, but hopefully it will continue...Kees

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