Week of 4/9/06:
4/11/06,TUESDAY: TEMPO at YMCA at 6:30am
THURSDAY, 4/13/06: TRACK. "5K Predictor
Workout" in anticipation of the Zippy's 5K race, Marin Human Race (5-13)and Memorial Day Races (Memorial Day)and strong fitness for the Dipsea buildup.
This workout is a lesson in pacing and fitness: the goal is to produce 3 strong and even 1600 meter efforts. This workout and running 5K's will teach how to race.
WORKOUT: 3 X 1600's (metrice mile) with EXACTLY one minute rest; average the 3-1600's, multiply 3.125 and you'll be within 15" of your 5K time.
If it's raining, this workout should be over quickly, so it shouldn't be too bad.
Two Locations:
1. McGINNIS PARK, meet at inside parking lot near team clubhouse as usual. Do loop around levees for warmup. Then do 16-18 reps if you are training for Dipsea; if you're including hill repeats into your program for road races and strength, do limit of 12 reps.
Do recovery run around at least one pond, then back to parking lot and do your stretching.
If you're just coming to these workouts do a moderate number of reps and see how your legs feel the next day - that will let you know.
2. WALSH DRIVE, 7am also ("Flying Y area")which is one block past last flight of the Dipsea steps: meet at base of paved hill that goes through the housing area. You will do 15-20' warmup on Edgewood Drive (immediate right after top of stairs). We will be increasing the total time period of hillwork and approaching our goal of 30 minutes total:
2X 30" light uphill run to get it going (to tree on right);
3X 1:05 or so to gate at BEGINNING of dirt path portion from bottom of Walsh;
3X 1:30 or so to END of dirt path portion from bottom of Walsh Drive. Note: run quickly down the dirt portion only for dowhill practice.
After 3rd rep go back down to end (top) of 30" rep point at the tree on right side, Then,
3X 2:05 or so to halfway up next paved section by house with recycling bins in front. after 3rd rep go to beginning of trail;
3x 2:30 or so from beginning of trail to around corner on Panoramic.
Jog back down to base of Walsh Drive and do 4 X 10" only (to 1st driveway on left) for pure power development in legs.
Be sure to stretch well after the workout!
If you are new to the workout do 1-2 reps only of each section so you avoid injuring an Achilles or hamstring.
I most likely will be at Walsh Drive site, but will decide later. Be sure to write down the workout for Walsh Dr. in case I'm at McGinnis location.