Kees Fitness
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Week of 10/30/06
6:30am - China Camp
9:00am - Tenn. Valley

We have shifted where we meet by about a half mile (little bit safer). Take turnoff by Fruit stand, continue down Tenn. Valley Rd until it hits Marin Ave. Go into parking lot of Tenn. Valley Community Center at the corner. We will then do warmup run towards Tenn Valley and continue with 8-10 reps of hill repeats-depending on when you started the program.
Your goal is to work up to a number of reps that stengthen the legs, work the wind, but do not overfatigue you.
Running these repeats with a group of fellow runners makes for a better quality and more enthusiastic workout.

Those of you who ran The Johnny Lawson Challenge, a XC country run, how the hill repeats contribute to trail running.
Was a beautiful day for it. My congrats to Sally and Denise who took on the challenge of entering their first official XC race!
Special recognition to Elmo as he ran it as a brand new 70-year old; now he heads off to New York City Marathon. Chris Oakes is going also, I hope they have good weather for the marathon.

Looking ahead:
11/5/06: This weekend I'll be doing the bike portion of the Treasure Island Triathlon along with Leigh Kenny and her husband John...
Ana and I are thinking that this would be a good date for that steady climb to the top of Tam (8miles) on the RRG.
..more to come
...more to come

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Coach Kees Tuinzing shares fitness tips, schedules for training runs and other helpful information for runners, triathletes and anyone else wanting to have fun while getting some exercise.

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