6/11/07 : Post Dipsea stuff. Workouts, talks this week, and get together for TuTh group on monday 6/18.
6/12/07. Tuesday. 6:30am. TEMPO group. China Camp.
6/12/07. Tuesday. 9am. Tenn Valley group. Short recovery run from church parking lot; then we go to Dipsea Cafe and hear Sunny do her talk on nutrition: before/ during/after running, mainly to learn how our insulin affects everything we do.
6/12/07. Tuesday. 9am . Ross Common group. If you did Dipsea, skip this workout.
To Phoenix Lake parking lot for warmup. note: "B/B" means back to base of hill.
> Up dam road 2X30"(B/B); 2x20" (B/B), 2x45"(B/B); 2x15"(B/B);
> To Mt.Baldy: 2x1:30 (B/B); 2x1' (B/B); 1x2'(1'); 1x2:30.
Back to parking lot and do pickup to tennis courts; easy recovery to Ross Common.
6/13/07. WED. 12:30pm. GRETE WAITZ to talk at Autodesk. .SOLD OUT...but taking place at San Marin's Fireman's Fund location, but have no details.
6/14/07. TH. track 7am & 9am. at College of Marin. We'll go easier on the Dipsea runners.
more to come...look at previous posting for Brazil Nuts results.