Week of 9/24/07.
Workouts and some supplemental small weight training/exercise routine for you to put on 3X5 cards and rotate. Designed to be short, to be done w/o rest, and target what runners/triathletes need.
9/25/07. Tuesday. 6:30am TEMPO. YMCA
I'll be taking some folks on the 6.5M course. i will be modifying the new 10m course at request of the runners to get us off LVRd.
9/25/07. Tuesday. 9am TENN VALLEY gp. Tempo day.
9/25/07. Tuesday. 9am ROSS COMMON.
Warmup run to Phoenix lake parking lot.
Dam Road: 4x10" easy surge pace (B/B) for warmup;
2 X 15" moderate speed;
2 X 30" @ good and steady pace(B/B)
jog to top of dam. Do pickup across dam, and continue on past end for easy 30" /back 30"; do another pickup rep aback across dam. Do jog to base of Baldy:
2 X 45" (B/B)
2 X 1' (B/B); run steady to Fish Gulch:
3 X 15" (B/B)
3 X 10" (B/B)...shift over to Shave Grade:
2 X 2:30 (1:30)...back to base of Shaver, then do tempo to Log Cabin. recovery run to parking lot, then Tempo from parking lot to tennis courts. Recovery run to Ross Common...Don't let injured Kevin workout out hard...
9/27/07. TH. Track for 7am & 9am ....
New addition to workout: you can expect always a new twist or ingredient to the workouts; I try not to repeat interval combinations for several weeks. The variety in hill repeats and track intervals makes you a better athlete as the body adjusts to the changes.
4x100 (100)
2 X 150 (50)
A/B/C gps 4 X 400 (on 2', 2 1/2', 3')
2 X 600 (200)...done at better than 5K goal pace.
Then A/B gps: do 600 fast, then without break right into a 1000 meter interval at 5K pace.
"C" gp: 400/800 in same manner.
9/30/07. Sunday about 6:30am. LONG RUN. likely 20M course with Michelle from YMCA and do loop: YMCA-Northgate-Dominican-Montecito-Loch Lomond-McNears-China Camp-Santa Venetia-Civic Center back to YMCA. One can do parts of it if you want to help Michelle with this run. Important for anyone prepping for a Fall Marathon.
I've been testing these routines myself and modified some of the more drastic ones I've seen to help our runners and triathletes.
Purpose: to balance out you muscle system that's too one-sided from just running.
Only about 10" rest between sets. I'm not concerned about amount used for lifting: just smooth execution, the weight will increase gradually, but you do gain muscular endurance for sure. 90" after a set of the 6 exercises in row for some water and break. Then go through it again. Gradually work up to 3 rounds.
Employing only about 6 exercises; they'll be other routines with the exercises rotated. Gradually work up to 25 reps on each, but start with, say 10 to see how it goes with the minimal rest. Have your equipment in place so you can move from one exercise to the next.
Designed not to take much time at all: you're trying to spend your energy mostly on your running or triathlon training. Most I've done is 31 minutes without rest. Twice in a week would be plenty - even once per week helps - even carries over for a week.
warmup: 1500 meter row/ or 20 burpees;
(Row maching on "erg" gives total warmup to legs, hips, back and arms: like doing 2M all-out)
> INCLINE BENCH PRESS or DB PRESS 10 (or PUSHUPS; we'll gradually add weight onto your back for those)
> ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS with DB or E-Z Curl Bar + 1 arm CURL=1 rep 10;
> "WIPERS" either on floor (easier) or on bench press: with 135 lbs balanced ,i.e. you're holding the bar over chest in straight arm balanced position (M can do with say 100lbs, W can use about 50-85 lbs.; shouldn't be a struggle to hold it up-just a good bit of work and doable. Now bring your legs together up & over to touch the plate on left side, bring legs back down to almost horizontal; then backup to touch plates on rights side and back down=1 rep. Note: only lower legs as far w/o low back arching, keep it flat to the floor or bench; do 10 each side. By having to do two things at same time makes it a productive struggle to say the least..(if you can do 100 I'll by you dinner; it's taken me 3 sets to do it). You won't have to do situps, "planks" again, plus you get hip flexor strengthening to help your leg lift for running and the "pull up" for cycling.
> PULLUPS 10: I'm lousy at pullups, so I use the assistance of a Gravitron or similar machine that way I can get the reps in and the beneficial back development.
> DB (thumb-up)"HAMMER CURLS", i.e. using dumbbells in running motion 20 reps, non-stop;
> JUMPS onto 24" BOX: 10. Explosive jump onto the box with both feet works to reduce contact time with feet on the ground during running: picking them up quickly. Interestingly on the research of an exercise that correlates to 5K time is this one because of the push-off from the ground and light touch, reduced contact time. Be careful to step down from the box so you don't aggravate the knees.
> ""GOOD MORNINGS" (10).Take BB behind neck, but on resting on upper back, almost straight leg stance, arch back and slowly bend forward while looking up ahead, to parallel to floor distance, pause 1-1000 (it stretches & strengthens those hamstrings) , then come back up slowly to upright. When coming back up, think using hamstrings rather than lifting with upper back. Repeat.