Kees Fitness
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Week of 2/11/08. Workouts, Races, Results,...keep checking for updates because my two days will be interrupted...

2/12/08. TUES. 6:30am. TEMPO. YMCA...will be the dirt course when go from YMCA from now on.

2/12/08. TUES. 9am. HILL REPEAT groups from Tenn Valley and Ross Common. 9am.
Two choices of how we do the course.
We decided to get in a Dipsea course run so you know how much more you will have to work on your hill repeats! So this is our Feb run through . next clear Tues: RRGrade.

A)Some can only do OUT/BACK to Cardiac because of time constraints (there are a number of you);
B) Those who can go the full distance, I will can meet them at Stinson by the finish area and drive you me ( if you need a ride so I know the count..i also want to make sure Deb learns the course, so some of you can show her and others new , the way (she'll wait for you and do out/back repeats on the uphills)...
Should be a clear day.

2/14/08. THURSDAY. 7am & 9am. TRACK at COM.
2/16/08. 7am HILL REPEATS. 16 Reps. McGinnis Park.

2/17/08. Tamalpa's TCRS run at Hamilton. see


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Coach Kees Tuinzing shares fitness tips, schedules for training runs and other helpful information for runners, triathletes and anyone else wanting to have fun while getting some exercise.

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