Kees Fitness
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Week of 2/9/09. Workouts, what's new at Arch Rival, races, results, Holeakala workouts.
UPDATE Sat, Sun workouts planned - if it works for the distance runs, join in.

2/10/09. TUESDAY. 6:30am. TEMPO from YMCA site.
Usually, we do less of tempo pace and explore new routes and get in some steady mileage.
If it's a downpour I probably won't join you on the bike, but don't think of not running!

2/10/09. TUESDAY. 9am. MILEAGE RUN/HILL REPEATS. RossCommon with Kevin.
When it's raining, bring the proper raingear , okay? You still need to get in the steady mileage!
Sarah, Cynthia and Kevin will be primarily working getting in 8 miles or so..

2/10/09. TUESDAY, 9am. HILL REPEATS/TEMPO. Meet at Church parking lot, Tenn Valley - across from fruitstand. We'll add the uphill tempo at end of workout Tenn. Valley parking lot. I'll adjust course for the weather.

2/12/09. THURSDAY. 7 & 9am TRACK at COM
after usual warmup:
A & B groups: 6 x 800 ( on 4:30, 5')
C group: 2 x 800 (on 6')
2 x 600 (200)
2 x 400 (on 3')
2 x 200 (200)

2/14/09. SATURDAY. 8am ED'S TRACK SESSION at Novato HS
Same workout as Th group....

2/14/09. SATURDAY. 7:30am HILL REPEATS & XT Exercises
7am is warmup time, we start the hill repeats at 7:30am. We'll redo the 2nd of the 4 HR routines.

THIS WEEKEND for Haleakala group, depending on the weather:
2/14/09. SATURDAY. 7am from ROSS COMMON for 12M or so with Kevin, Gayle and others at 8:30-'s to 9's.
Medium run days this weekend: planned on running from Ross Common. Into the water district, Shaver Grade, Pipeline, Taylor, Skywalker kiosk, Bullfrog, across the dam, Shady side of Bon Tempe, Lagunitas, to the water treatment plant, Eldridge Grade, Phoenix Lake and back.

2/15/09. SUNDAY. 8am. From ROSS COMMON for 12M or more at easy pace about 8:40's to 9's. People can shorten or lengthen these courses easily, so you can start with the group and take if from there...the emphasis is on two "medium long" runs.

Michelle Wilcox 1:35:06 483rd overall/13th div.
Chris Oakes, 1:35:46 512/18th
Kent Morales, 1:37:56 652/94
Vicki DeMenno, 1:42:57 952/15th
Jean Sawaya, 1:44:39 1090/2nd in 50+, way to go Jeannie!
Hazel Wood, 1:45:02 1120/3rd 55+ congrats
Janet Kjelmyr, 1:45:43 1172/4th almost on the podium!
Jennifer Lanciault 1:46:11 1212/51
Dave Champagne, 1:46-32 1250/102
Amy Sonstein, 1:47:04 1294/55th
Kevin Porter, 1;48:40 1434/19TH
Gayle Shimokaji, 1:49:35 1519/10th
Sarah McMoyler, 1:57:48 2398/24th...congrats on half hour PR
Cynthia Watson, 1:59:00 2544/74th
Bob Cook, 2:05:18 3135/208th
Sam Hirabayashi, 81 2:14:10 2281/1st 80!!
Jim Kambur, 76 2:42:23 5161/12th

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